Sunday, June 2, 2013

Had a conversation with a friend about oxytocin, which led to the argument over how much of the emotion we call love might be chemical. Aside from the philosophical consequences of emotions being chemical reactions, the more interesting idea: will a time come when a random person could 'slip' someone a medicine, or a hormone, that would induce an emotion? For example, can love potions become a reality? Can we induce someone using chemicals to fall in love? Can we induce suicidal depression in a person? This may sound weird, but consider: slip someone alcohol and you are technically giving them a potion that is manipulating their mood, their emotions.

Oh by the way, cats are related to suicide because of a fecal parasite. . Which begs the question: should we be afraid that at some time in the future, people might abuse parasites, and external chemicals, toxins etc, to cause you to commit suicide?

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